Thursday, May 19, 2011


May 18th- An easy 5k today with the group: Erik, Minhong, Chris, Becky, and Laura. It was a pretty easy route, but I lagged behind to chat with some of the folks I don't get to talk to much. Erik and I went back and forth on the pros and cons of eating organic and the various ways big companies trick you into thinking their food is healthy. We could have went on for hours. The weather was great. Just a light drizzle to cool things off.

May 19th- Another easy day on the same 5k route as yesterday. Legs were feeling unexpectedly heavy, so I took it slow on the grass for the first two miles of the run. I must not have been running as slow as I expected, but decided to throw in some "easy" tempo work on the final mile home on Flat Rd. Felt like I was moving at 8:00 min pace, but it turned out to be 7:00 min. I could have held that pace for hours. Hopefully, that's a real good sign.

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