Monday, February 15, 2010

70 min tempo run

Workout: 70 min tempo run (85%)

Took the Vibrams out again despite some soreness in my calves from the interval workout I did with them on Saturday. I thought the soreness would dissipate within the first few miles of the workout as they had a chance to loosen up. But you can't really mask a problem you're having with your feet, legs, hips, or back while you are wearing these things. Without the cushioning of normal modern running shoes, you simply have nowhere to hide. I found myself gingerly easing downhill, while uphills felt almost a welcome reprieve. I figured I would take the SRT for the last few miles home starting at Hart's Lane, but the path was still snow covered. Luckily, there was a snowmobile path that had been worn down earlier this week and I found it made for a perfect running trail. The packed snow made for a perfect cushioned break from the asphault, and after rubbing some snow on my exposed calves, they started to feel great. Only took about 8 miles to work out the tension, but I'll take what I can get.

Although I was open to the idea of a tempo run today, it just wasn't happening. My calves were too sore at the start of the run to consider pushing the pace for any longer than 10 minutes. I may have to start working these Vibrams into the training plan more gradually.

Equipment: Ipod, running hat, sunglasses, 16 oz. Accelerade, Vibrams, tech shirt and fleece top, mesh shorts.

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