Thursday, February 11, 2010

This past week...

Monday (2-8-10)
Main site WOD


GHD Situps (Incline Situps)
Back Extensions
Knees to Elbows
Stiff Legged Deadlift 95#


Tuesday (2-9-10)

Boot camp
WU: 1 mile run, Jumping jacks, squats, shuffle

5 Rounds
Alt. Shoulder Press 30# DBs
Box jump (24-in box)
OH walking lunges (45# plate)
Squat thruster w/ mountain climber

Could not keep track of the number of reps in each station. 1 minute spent at each station with 1 minute rest in between rounds.

Wednesday (2-10-10)

100 Pullups-13:48
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Squats-2:40


Snowed in today by the third major snowstorm of the season. Over 18 inches of snow hit Conshohocken and it was enough for work to give us the day off. I was confined to the house and figured I would try this workout again.

Thursday (2-11-10)
2 rounds
10 Shoulder dislocates
10 OH Squats 20#
5 Power cleans 27#
5 Thrusters 27#
5 Pullups

Main site WOD

400m run
12 Power cleans 135#
15 Thrusters 95#


I've been having some trouble with the Olympic lifts. I really didn't think I had the shoulder and wrist flexibility to properly execute these lifts. But today felt pretty good. I was getting through all the power cleans and thrusters without having to stop much for air. Same didn't really go for the later rounds. Overall, felt really good about this workout.

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