Monday, February 22, 2010

BW Bench Press and Weighted Pullups

Early afternoon

WU: 3 rounds
Shoulder dislocates, 15 pushups, 15 situps, 15 back extensions

Workout: 5 rounds (record max reps)
BW Bench Press (195#)
Weighted Pullups (25#)

Bench Press: 6, 7, 6, 5, 5
Pullups: 4, 5, 5, 4, 4

Then, AMRAP (situps) in 3 minutes: 96

Equipment: Used a Smith machine for the bench press and a 25# DB for the weighted pullups. My feet were anchored during the situps.

I sprained my ankle on Saturday while snowboarding in the Poconos. It didn't hurt that bad at first. In fact, I continued snowboarding on it for the rest of the day. It sounds weird, but it hurt more to take weight off of it than it does to put weight on it. Once I start walking, I forget my ankle is sprained. Still, I did not want to risk delaying the healing process, so I did no further workouts on Saturday and Sunday, and I focused on upper body today. This is also a poor excuse for not working out on Friday, but we spent nearly 5 hours driving up to the Poconos after GPS failed us miserably. I don't know if I'll throw in another workout today. It's tough to come up with stuff when you have to exclude your lower body.

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