Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Clean and Jerk, Bench Press, Central Bucks Crossfit

Early afternoon

Clean and Jerk 5 X 5
Loads: 117, 137, 157, 157, 157

Bench Press 5 X 5
Load: 205

Late afternoon

5 Rounds for Time:
15 Squat Clean Thrusters (45# DBs)
10 Renegade Rows/Arm (45# DBs)
5 Turkish Get Ups/Side (45#)*

*Last three rounds performed with a 35# DB, otherwise I would have slipped in my own sweat and the dumbbell would have smashed me in the face.


Workout comments: Wanted to try to dig myself into a hole during the strength workout to test my recovery limits for the metcon workout, especially after the moderately long metcon from yesterday. Had salad with turkey, a protein shake, and plenty of water after the first workout from approx 1-2PM. Second workout started 3 hours later with a light warmup and water throughout. After reading the article on the crossfit website about pacing yourself for faster times (and initially scoffing), I decided to give it a try by breaking the SQT into groups of 5, the RR into groups of 5, and the TGU into groups of 4 (or 2). I feel like the workout would have taken a ridiculously long time anyway, so I'm not really sure it worked. I'll have to try it again with a workout I have previously done several times in the past.

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