Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Late Afternoon

3 Rounds (1 minute on, 30 seconds off)

Jumping Lunges 52, 50, 52
KB Swings (50#) 28, 27, 25
Pushups (Hands off the floor at the bottom) 27, 26, 30

AMRAP in 12 minutes

15 V-ups
5 Man-Makers (30# DBs)
* A Man-Maker is a modified Thruster/Clean/Squat Thrust/Renegade Row. Start with Dumbbells at your sides. Drop down into a squat thrust and perform 1 Renegade Row per arm. Bring feet towards chest and accelerate upwards, shrugging the weights up and catching in clean position. Straighten up while pressing weights overhead. 1 rep.

6 Rounds + 2 Reps

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