Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Strength, Vertical Jump

Squats 555333
Load: 215, 225, 235, 245, 250, 255

Weighted Incline Situps
Load: 25

DB Calf Raises
Load: 40

Bench Press 4 X 5
Load: 205

Depth Jumps
Load: 10

Workout comments: Trying some new workouts to increase vertical jump. Most websites say the majority of people who can dunk a basketball are a) over six feet tall, b) have less than 10% body fat, and c) can palm a basketball. I am 0/3 in this department, so I guess I'm going to have to work on leg strength.

Going back to the old strength gains program. Three weeks of 555333, and then the fourth week 333111 to continually assess 1RM. I forgot how much more taxing this is then continuously attempting the same load over several sets.

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