Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pullup Test, Cleans, Hill Intervals

Early afternoon

WU: 1 mile easy on the treadmill after some light foam roller work on my back.

Max pullup test: 16

Cleans 4 X 3
Load: 140
Incline Situps 4 X 15

Another 0.5 miles on the treadmill before

(30:20) X 12
30s on, 20s off all out efforts
Incline set to 12% grade.


Basketball game with the work league at Germantown academy. I think last week I played without the ankle brace (because I forgot it) and my ankle seemed just fine. I'd like to start playing more without it but I'll leave it on for a few more weeks during games just for safety's sake. We ended up losing by three points at the end, but it was actually a good game and the team we were playing has a tendency to put up a lot of points. The game had a sloppy feel to it while playing, but looking back it was probably much better than I thought. I think I just need to learn to be more positive during the game.

Workout comments: First interval was done at 6:45 pace, second at 7:00, third at 7:30, before finally settling on 8:00 pace for the rest. It was surprisingly difficult to maintain. I was bent over gasping for air after each interval. The pullup test was what I expected. The last rep was questionable but I gave myself the benefit of the doubt. Still an improvement over the 12 pullups I did to start the cycle off. However, I think the biggest factor is mental preparation. Visualizing a goal from the beginning makes it much more attainable than going at it blindly. Conversely, if you set your goal too low, it becomes much more difficult to surpass it. I guess the only answer is too always set your goals too high. You may never reach them, but you'll always be improving.

Body: My calves were still a little sore this morning, but it quickly dissipated through the morning and during the warmup. No soreness after the workout.

Nutrition: Whey protein shake at breakfast and following the workout. Fish oil and a multivitamin in the morning. Pretty good overall.

Sleep: About 7 hours. Gotta an exam this week so the sleep will probably get shorter and shorter.

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