Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Pullups 9, 11, 9, 9, 11
Bench Press 55333
Load: 195
*Last three sets were similar to a box squat. I let the bar rest momentarily on the safety rack before beginning the push. Definitely harder to do this way.

Deadlift 4 X 3
Load: 210, 270, 285, 300
Weighted Step Ups 4 X 20
Load: 45
Incline Situps 4 X 15

Workout comments: Deadlift felt great. Pullups and bench did not. And I don't think it was because of the supersets. They felt sluggish from the beginning. At least I hit all required reps on the pullups, although the last rep of the last set was a little gray. I was intending to do a few miles of running on a constant incline, but time got the best of me and I had to bail. Several night classes per week are starting to take effect and I haven't even had any exams yet.

Sleep: About 8 hours

Body: No soreness to speak of this morning, although I was expecting something from the intervals yesterday.

1 comment:

John W said...

I hate that I am missing all these snowstorms but reading your last post about not not being able to run outside made me miss it a little less.