Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Deadlift, Pullups, Back to Back Couplets

Early afternoon


Strength: Deadlift 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3

Loads: 207, 257, 277, 297, 307, 317

3 X 10 Pullups

Metcon 1: AMRAP in 12 minutes
SDHP (77#)
Thrusters (77#)

5 + 13

Metcon 2: AMRAP in 12 minutes
25 Situps
25 Double Unders

8 + 19

Workout comments: I felt considerably better than I did during yesterday's workout. Even after the deadlifts and pullups, I still had a lot of energy to do both metcons. It was probably the best consistent strings of double unders I have ever put together. I only faulted on a few of the rounds, and it was only 1 fault per round. I honestly think the difference was the Vibrams I was wearing for the workout today. I felt like wasn't losing any momentum by landing on the cushioning of a normal sneaker. The situps were defintely the limiting factor on this workout.

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