Monday, June 21, 2010

Longish run

A longish run today through the Wissahickon after work. I say "longish" because anything over 5 miles is long these days. The weather was hot and steamy in the park and humidity hung stubbornly in the valley lining the creek. I had to pull a quick clothes change in the car before heading out and my khakis were sticking to my legs. Luckily there was no one close by to witness this.

The run started out nice and slow on the Ridge Ave side of the creek, following the route of the Wissahickon Trial Classic a few weeks ago, at least for the first part of the run. I kept running on that side of the valley until just before Valley Green, where I crossed over and made my way back to Northwestern. I had to stop a few times to walk and I was surprised at how little energy I had for the run. It was a good run, everything considered, and another push to get back the running fitness I've lost over the past few months.

I thought about the several errands I had to run after this and how I was defintely going to put it off for another day. After just moving into a new house, dozens of unpacked boxes, and multiple much-needed items, I'm still putting off house tasks in favor of workouts. I think I need to switch up my priorities.

Today's run was about 8.5 miles in 82 minutes.

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