Friday, June 4, 2010

Morning Trail Run


OK. Philadephia seasons as we know them are toast.

The winter brought Philadelphia a total of 71.7 inches of snow in the 2009/2010 winter season. In a manner typical of recent Philadelphia weather seasons, this summer is shaping up to be as hot and steamy as the winter was cold and white. We have already had 3 days in May that have topped 90F, with 11 days pushing well past 80. June is no different: each day has been 80F or higher, and I hear tomorrow is supposed to break 90F as well, which would set a new record (2002).

It was purely spontaneous that I decided to head out in the park this morning to run. I had to be in Spring House, and the park is conveniently along the way. I had my Vibrams with me, which could have turned out to be a bad idea, since the rocks and stones lining the park floor can pretty much cause a disaster on the underside of your cushionless foot. But it felt great and I wasn't concerned with any pre-conceived notions of pace and timing. I haven't run regularly in a while and I was just happy to be out there in the morning. I'm not a morning person to begin with, but that detail rests more on the fact that I love sleeping. If I happen to be awake and there's an opportunity to run, I think it's much more enjoyable than running in the afternoon or in the middle of the day, when the weather is at it's most extreme and it becomes more of a chore.

It was pretty hazy out this morning and I had a good sweat going. It was a pretty good run. I didn't know the distance and time until it was over, so I ran until I was tired. About 5.5 miles in 60 minutes.

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