Friday, March 25, 2011

Crossfit Open

With the explosion in popularity of Crossfit and the huge influx of athletes wanting to participate in the Crossfit Games, the event organizers have created a format that I think is really interesting. In previous years, they've had to add regional qualifiers, and then sectional qualifiers in order to move on to the championships in Aromas. This year, they are adding yet another layer of selectivity for the games. 6 workouts over a 6-week period will be released and athletes will have the option of sending in home videos of themselves completing the workout, or completing it at a participating affiliate. I haven't been keeping up with metcons recently, but have kept up at least partially with strength training and running. The entry fee is 10 bucks and I could easily perform the workouts at Central Bucks Crossfit. I figured I would see what happens. The workout for Week 1 was as follows:

AMRAP 10 minutes:
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches (75)

I checked out the leaderboards and saw that 8 complete rounds would get me into the top 10. As always, these workouts look much easier on paper than they actually are. I completed 5 rounds, 30 DUs, and 9 snatches before the end and it was safe to say that I was hauling ass the whole time. The power snatches definitely killed me, but I was surprised at how few double unders I could finish in one stretch. I don't think my counter was doing a good job, missing 1-3 reps each set. This was aggravating, but I still couldn't string together more than 10 at a time in the later rounds. Frustrating. I left feeling drained in a way that I haven't felt in a while. Now I remember what it felt like to be doing those on a regular basis. I wish there was still an option to do this workout at Spring House, but hopefully they'll bring something similar to Malvern in the future.

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