Friday, March 4, 2011

Squats, Bench, Chins, Dips, Situps, Uphill Walking

Early afternoon

Squats 5 @ 50, 4 @ 60, 10X2 @ 70
Load: 145, 170, 200

Chins 10, 10, 9X2

Bench Press 5 @ 50, 4 @ 60, 5X4 @ 70
Load: 125, 155, 175

Mix of 10 incline and 20 regular

Dips 3 X 10

Uphill walking
1 mile uphil, 10% grade, 17:02

Comments: Even though the loads are significantly decreased, I was pretty tired this morning and thought it would be much harder than it was. Haven't done dips in a while and they seemed to be a little rough on the shoulders. Everything done in Vibrams. Maybe this was the difference in the leg exercises? Never really lifted with them.

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