Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Purely a strength day today. I have a feeling that the difficulty I'm having with pullups compared to months ago is the decrease in other back-related exercises. Namely, deadlifts, chinups, etc. Similarly, my HSPUs and bench presses have been lacking lately. Not rocket science, but worth noting.


Deadlift 5 X50%, 4 X 60%, 2 X 70%, 2 X 80%, 2 X 85%, 2 X 87%, 2 X 2 X 90%, 10 X 60% (touch and go)
Loads: 175, 210, 245, 280, 300, 305, 315, 315, 210

Situps 5 X 20

Dumbbell Shoulder Press 5 X 2
Load: 120, 130, 140, 140, 150 (failed second rep, had to push press)

Bent Over Row (reverse grip) 5 X 5
Load: 120, 130, 140, 140, 140

Dips 3 X 10

Workout comments: I was working off an old Deadlift PR of 350. But with my difficulty with 315 I could tell my old PR is long gone. Dumbbell shoulder presses should have been lighter, as I wasn't supposed to max out on the last set. Had some difficulty getting them to shoulder level using a hang clean, but a normal power clean was better. Overall a good day. I'm sure I'll be wrecked tomorrow.

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