Friday, April 15, 2011

Crossfit Open

A pretty disappointing showing today. The workout as prescribed was:

AMRAP in 10 minutes

60 Bar-facing burpees
30 Overhead squats (120)
10 Muscle-ups

Bar-facing burpees are done perpendicular to a loaded barbell. Instead of a vertical jump you had to jump (with both feet leaving and hitting the ground simultaneously) over the barbell and perform another burpee on the other side with your head always closest to the bar. I had never tried OHS with so much weight, but figured cleans with this weight were no problem. I warmed up with a weight of 95 pounds and it seemed OK.

It was anything but OK. I made it through the burpees in one of the fastest times in the group, but hit a wall as soon as I got to the OHS. I was anticipating the muscle-ups, although I have never really tried them before. I had mentioned this to a few of the guys and I guess the same philosophy should have applied to the OHS. I was a little cocky and they definitely put me in my place. I left feeling frustrated and angry that I couldn't complete this workout.

Total: 60 burpees and 10 OHS. No one at the affiliate completed the workout in the recommended time, but there were at least three other guys in my group that made it through the OHS.

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