Friday, April 1, 2011

Recovery Run

The running program we're following for the 50K incorporate a second "long run" the day following the primary long run in order to acclimate the body to running while fatigued. I haven't been getting in these miles like I should, but I'm hoping that if I'm 1-2 miles short of the goal, I'll be OK. However, I just realized that the peak training weekend falls on the same weekend I'm registered to run in the American Odyssey Relay. I'll be racking up about 21 miles in a 24 hour period, but I don't know how that will play out with my scheduled 20 mile run for Saturday and 15 mile run on that Sunday. One of these times, I'm actually going to follow a training program.

The run today was fairly uneventful. I opted for a run in Conshy and almost immediately regretted it. My legs were still beat up from the previous day, and for some reason I just can't seem to stomach these streets anymore. I strung together a long run as best I could, but chose to head home rather than tack on the extra mile loop I had planned for the end. That's the danger of long runs in Conshy. You inevitable have to run within a mile of your house since it is geographically isolated on all sides by rivers, woods, or highways. It makes for an easy premature end to a run.

7.3 miles
61 minutes

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