Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Strength, Run

Early afternoon


Deadlift 5, 4, 2, 2, 7 X 2
Load: 170, 210, 245, 280, 300X7

Pullups 5 X 10

Press 5 X 3
Load: 120, 140, 140, 150, 150

Dips 3 X 10

Late afternoon

Fell short on mileage yesterday so today was just an attempt to log some easy ones. I realized that I can stretch together a nice 2-3 miles on grass through Conshohocken, so long as I can slip past any police that might catch me trespassing on public property. I can always slip in a pair of ear buds and claim I didn't hear them yelling at me. There is a pretty challenging hill that runs underneath some power lines, steep enough that I had to walk near the stop. And not because I was winded but because I started spinning my wheels on the gravel and losing my footing.

4.5 miles in 46 minutes

Strength comments: The deadlifts felt heavy but not unbearable. First lift always felt tougher than the second lift, which is weird. I guess I let my hips settle in a bit more on the second lift and focus more on using my legs.

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