After the walk-off home run in the bottom of the 10th by Carlos Ruiz...
Early afternoon
WU: Shoulder dislocates, various calisthenics, quad and calf stretching.
Workout: CrossFit Main Site WOD
5 Dumbbell deadlifts
5 Dumbbell hang cleans
5 Dumbbell push presses
5 Dumbbell squats
Increase the load each round. Rest as necessary between rounds. Do not drop weights during each round.
Loads: 45lbs, 50lbs, 55lbs, 60/65lbs*, 65lbs (f)
Late afternoon
Stopped into the afternoon session of the Central Bucks Crossfit class in Spring House. Was headed back there anyway and they typically run their classes outside this time of year anyway. It was awesome outside, to say the least.
Workout: A mish mosh of different movements. I typically don't like workouts without a set number of reps or time to work against. I can push myself as hard as I like, but without a goal or a light at the end of the tunnel, it is mentally draining. Plus it really leaves you no room to repeat the workout at a later date under similar conditions to gauge your improving (or deteriorating) fitness. I'll do my best to describe what happened. There were 5 stations and 10 people.
1. Farmer's walk: ~50 meters out with 35# and 53# KBs. 20 KB swings at the far point (53#) and then return with both KBs.
2. Situps with Abmat
3. Pushups
4. Parallette shoot throughs
5. C2 Rower
Here is an example of a parallette shoot through:
The time spent at each station was determined by how long it took the team performing the farmer's walk to finish. Since there was only 1 rower, we did about 8 stations per round so there was a few stations to double up. The goal was to perform as many reps as possible at each station. Again, there was no way to remember or record your reps, so it was purely based on how much pain you wanted to put yourself through. The first round took approximately 12 minutes, followed by about 2 minutes rest, and then another round.
Workout comments: Did this workout with John W. in Malvern. I think I'll be spending most of my time here now, which means limited Boot Camp and CrossFit group workouts. Their gym here is a bit nicer than the one in Spring House, though. For one, they have dumbbells that range all the way up to 100 lbs. Plus they have a solid group of guys that run during lunch almost 4 days a week. Plus some trails and varying terrain in the area that could be good over the summer.
4th round was interesting. I didn't know that I had different weights in each hand. I had a hard time finishing, with a few near drops during the hang cleans. I dropped the weights during the last rep of the hang cleans during the 5th round.
Body: I have been extrememly groggy and sore upon waking up in the morning the past several days. Just an overall sense of stiffness that usually goes away by mid-morning. I'm not sure if I'm still dehydrated from Sunday, or the quality of sleep I have been getting. I get around 8 hours, but maybe that's not right for me.
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