Friday, October 22, 2010

Incline Bench, Pullups, Swimming Intervals


Incline Bench Press 4 X 5
Load: 135, 155, 155, 155

Kipping Pullups 3 X 15

Swimming Intervals

WU: 5 easy laps

Main: 3 X (50y, 100y, 200y)
*Rest exactly the amount of time it takes to complete each interval.

1. 0:51, 1:45, 3:48
2. 0:48, 1:45, 3:43
3. 0:47, 1:45, 3:44

Workout comments: Oddly, I felt better and more rested on each piece than I did on the previous set. I was pushing pretty hard on the 50y and 100y pieces, and didn't really start to feel my form fail until the 200y intervals. Every so often I catch a glimpse of someone swimming who is either a beginner or just has no idea what he/she is doing. I'm glad I can't really see myself or I would be totally de-motivated. Still, the workout today felt productive.

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