Sunday, October 3, 2010


Early afternoon

I renewed my membership at my local gym this weekend. Surprising how cheap the monthly membership was even with the looming winter. Usually this is when most gyms jack up their prices just in time for the droves of people trying to escape the Northeast cold. I can't believe how quickly the weather has changed in Philadelphia. In the span of two weeks (filled mostly with rain) we have experienced a 20 degree drop in temperature. We saw regular temperatures in the low to mid 90s, followed by temperatures now in the high 60s. What happened to the four seasons? The temperature last night I think dropped below 50, since the thermometer on my car read 51 this morning.

I squeezed in about 30 minutes of swimming this afternoon. I stopped caring about counting the number of laps, since it makes time really drag by. I figure I can do my best at estimating the distance based on how fast (or slow) I know I am swimming.

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