Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Early afternoon

Bench Press 10, 5, 3, 3, 3, 3
Loads: 105, 175, 215, 225, 230, 230(failed 3rd rep)

Shoulder Press 5 X 5
Load: 100

Weighted Pullup 5 X 4
Load: 40

Workout comments: Low energy levels today, lethargic towards the end of the workout. Going on almost 6 weeks since any running/biking.

Finished a book yesterday called "What I Talk About When I Talk About Running". The book contains the running/triathlon related anecdotes of a 50-something Japanese novelist. It summarizes his upbringing and events which led to his interest in running, but mainly deals with his struggles with declining race times and ultimate cathartic acceptance of his aging and re-acquainted joy of running. It was a bunch BS. I've often heard that writers/novelists themselves can be very narcissistic and egocentric, which is definitely apparent from this guy's style. He speaks of himself as though he were a part of the elite running community, yet he continually draws near the lower end of the results list. The tone often suggests that the reader has no business even attempting to run (or write a novel) if he/she hasn't realized their talent already. Because that's what it takes to become either, a healthy dose of God-given talent, which essentially can't be learned or taught. Please. It was definitely a struggle to get through this book.

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