Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Modified Fight Gone Bad, Basketball

Early afternoon

Modified Fight Gone Bad

R1 R2 R3
Wall Ball 45 38 50
SDHP 37 32 30
Box Jumps 20 17 12
Push Press 15 14 14
Double Unders 20 15 16
Total 137 116 122

Workout comments: Modification of the Fight Gone Bad workout. Total was 375. The rower is replaced with the double-unders. Had to take several breaks throughout the workout, which hurt my total reps. I just couldn't keep these up.


About 2 hours of basketball with the work league. Just an open gym tonight. I haven't played in almost 3 months, which is to say the game was pretty sloppy. Took some protein in after the game and slept well. Not as sore the following day as I expected to be.

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