Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Light Weights, Basketball

Early afternoon

6, 9, 6, 6, 9
Bench Press 5, 3, 5, 5, 5
Load: 205, 205, 175, 175, 175

Thrusters 4 X 7
Load: 120
Situps 4 X 20

Late Evening

Our work team took on the Sweetness, a team from McNeil who apparently knows how to recruit people over 6' 3". We only trailed by a few points for the majority of the game and lost only by 6 points, but the deficit seemed much greater than that. We need more structure on offense.

Workout comments: The soreness in my knee all but disappeared in the late afternoon today and I decided to play in the game. I had minimal soreness afterwards so it wasn't a bad decision. Registration opened today for the North Face Endurance Challenge at Bear Mountain, NY. I signed up for the 50K last year, but had to drop out because of the ankle injury. The race is only open to 350 participants, but it doesn't seem to be selling out fast. It's only a week or two after the Tough Mudder, which might serve as a great practice race. Broad Street is mingled in there as well. It would be a hard month of racing.

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