Thursday, January 6, 2011

Spinervals 24.0 HILLacious

This workout was a bit longer than the others, coming in at just over an hour. I elevated my front wheel to simulate hill climbs and there is stayed for the entire workout. As far as I can remember, it went something like this:

2 X 8 minute steady efforts (AT effort)
Big chain ring, 15 on the back

4 X 3 minute rolling hill simulations
Big chain ring, but switching rear cogs every 5 seconds up and down

4 X 30 sec seated, 10 seconds standing (100% effort)
Big chain ring, 12 on the back

Workout comments: I definitely feel like I'm getting a lot of benefit out of these workouts. My cadence seems to be matching what the trainer is calling (my cadence meter battery is dead) and the effort level is close to what it should be, but my heart rate simply doesn't match what he is seeing on some of the athletes on the video. Granted, the video yesterday was being shot on a rooftop where the heat index was over 100 degrees, and I'm in my basement in the dead of winter with a fan blowing on me... Still, I seem to be on the ball mechanically and effort-wise, but my heart rate has been varying. I'll have to see if it gets better or worse as I get farther into the program.

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