Friday, January 14, 2011

Strength, Short Metcon

Early afternoon

Pullups 6, 8, 6, 6, 10
Deadlift 5 X 3
Load: 210, 260, 260, 280, 300

Power Clean and Jerk 5 X 3
Load: 140, 160, 160, 160, 160
Incline Weighted Situps 5 X 10
Load: 25

Back Squats 5 X 2 X 235
On the minute


3 Rounds for Time:
20 DUs
20 Jumping Lunges
20 Box Jumps 18in

Round 1: 1:28
Round 2: 1:58
Round 3: 1:53

Total: 5:19

Workout comments: I felt extremely sluggish this morning, a combination of a restless night's sleep combined with soreness in upper and lower body. This should not be the case, since all I did yesterday was a light run with short sprinting sets. I'm going to try some supplements over the next few weeks to see if this can alleviate the soreness and aid recovery time. Being sore all the time takes away from the feeling of fitness you're supposed to get from exercise.

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