Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thrusters, SDHP, Push Press, OH Squat

Early Afternoon

WU: Toy soldiers, OH Squat practice (30#)

Workout: 4 Rounds

20 Thrusters (77#)
20 SDHP (77#)
20 Push Press (77#)
20 OH Squats (77#)
5 Burpees

  • Workout comments: This was one of the hardest MetCon workouts I think I have ever done. None of the movements were done to muscular failure, but my lungs were burning so bad that I could hardly breathe through most of the workout. I have been physically drained for the past few hours following the workout. This morning I consumed cereal, skim milk, a banana, and orange juice, but did not have a chance to consume much water before this workout.
  • General comments: I originally stopped by to see the workout, with the intention of participating only if the majority of the movements focused on the upper body. I took one look at this and couldn't resist. I had the ankle brace on and it hadn't hurt once during the day. It didn't hurt at all during this workout, but I'll keep off of it during the rest of the week as well.
  • Sleep: 7.5 hours
  • Body condition: I felt physically fine prior to this workout. Maybe slightly tired, but that was it. Following the workout, I feel fatigued, but nothing is overwhelmingly sore.

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