Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hand Stand Practice, DL/Burpees

Late afternoon

WU: Shoulder dislocates, quad stretch

10 minutes Hand Stand Walking Practice

Workout: 5 Rounds for Time

5 Deadlifts (227#)
10 Burpees

Should have chosen a different workout that would not accentuate the lower back muscles as much as this one did. My back was a little sore from yesterday and this was more than apparent after one round. Tried my best to keep form proper.

Nutrition: I recently bought and am in the process of reading the Paleo diet. There' s a few good programs that outline several levels of commitment to the program. Personally, I think adhering to a specific diet program is almost impossible in today's society. While I think it's ideal for the human body to eat natural, organic foods, I think that a little wheat here and there won't do any harm. Regardless, I'm pretty open to new ideas and this seems like the most beneficial program that doesn't take aim at the Agricultural/Beef/Sugar industry. So I'm going to try reporting as many "Paleo faults" as I can throughout the day or week. We'll see how it goes.

Paleo faults: White roll on a sandwich from WaWa. Clif Bar. Slice of wheat bread with butter.

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