Friday, April 30, 2010

Trail Run, Grace

Early Morning

An easy 3.5 mile run through the Wissahickon along this route. I wasn't intending on running this morning but Brigid woke me up while she was getting ready for work. It was so nice outside that If figured I might as well run now rather than this afternoon.

I'm amazed at the versatility of the iPhone, but still wish it had a more receptive GPS system. I have such a hard time getting the GPS to initiate during runs down in the Wissahickon. I'm not sure if it's because it resides in a little valley, or because of all the tree cover. It does the job, but maybe future versions will be more accurate.

I took the Vibrams with me this morning and was quickly reminded of how tough they are on your feet. It seems more plausible to use them on the street, where the terrain is smooth and predictable. I think it really defeats the spirit behind the shoes. I read the book Born to Run recently and was amazed at how the Tarahumara Indians can run trail ultramarathons in nothing but some rubber flaps tied to their feet. I guess it should take some getting used to if I really want to wear them on a regular basis.

Late afternoon

WU: Shoulder dislocates, calf stretch, quad stretch, Bosu ankle stability drills, 10 pushups, 10 squats, 10 situps, 10 back extensions.

Workout: Grace

Workout comments: New PR on Grace by almost 30 seconds. Previous PR was 3:57. I was trying for sub-3:00 and I had an honest shot at making it, with just over 60 seconds left and only 10 reps to go. I just couldn't finish them quickly enough. My traps were defintely the limiting factor. I just couldn't get the shrug up efficiently enough. Still pretty psyched about this though.

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