Monday, April 19, 2010


Easy jog over to Sutcliffe Park for:

4 X Max rep Pullups
9, 7, 7, 6

Late evening
WU: 2 Rounds
15 Squats, 15 Pushups, 15 Situps, 15 Back Extensions, Samson Stretch

Workout: For time
100 Thrusters (45# DBs)

*Every minute on the minute: 3 Burpees

1 Mile Uphill Treadmill Walking: 15% Grade

Workout comments: Continuously frustrated with the pullups. I'm wondering if the thick bar at the park has anything to do with the strict pullups I've been doing. I did the thruster workout a while back at Central Bucks Crossfit with 40# DBs and I think my time was a bit faster. Still I was pretty happy with this workout. My average heart rate was close to 180 for the entire workout and I don't think I could have forced it any higher than that. I rested during the 10th minute without doing any thrusters.

Paleo faults: Some cream in my coffee, salad dressing, a few pieces of chocolate. Otherwise good.

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